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Mushroom spawn is produced by Amycel Inc at one of its 2 locations in the United States, San Juan Bautista California and Madisonville Texas.  Spawn for Latin America is typically manufactured at the plant in Madisonville. 

 Amycel San Juan Bautista is also the site for production of the inoculum used at all Amycel spawn plants. Culture maintenance and inoculum production activities are conducted by technicians with many years of experience in all phases of spawn production. Master cultures are preserved in liquid nitrogen for long term stability with duplicate cultures stored at the Biotechnical Research Laboratory.   Cultures are multiplied several times within the sterile laboratories to achieve working quantities of inoculum. During this phase, each multiplication is tested at the Intermediate Testing Facility (ITF) located at the Biotechnical Research Laboratory in near-by Royal Oaks, CA.  

 Amycel San Juan Bautista is the home office for the company, not only for inoculum production, but for business administration and process development.

 Amycel produces a full range of mushroom spawn including off white hybrids, brown strains for Portabella / Crimini production, in addition to Pleurotus (oyster) and Shiitake strains.

Learn more about Amycel and Amycel Spawn:

Amycel Family of Spawn Strains
The Spawn Production Process
Amycel Oyster Mushroom Strains
Amycel Casing Spawns